Vote for your candidates or be candidate yourself, Vote for principles, you will never lose .... Vote for persons and you will never win .... Vote for party where you will always lose .... Vote in paradigm and you will always win .... the secular god Zikalkis is recruiting candidates for USA presidential elections and simulataneously preparing people for world elections for global president, vote and be voted in this divining democracy which is, actually, conjuncracy in universe, soon is coming The Declaration on Rights on Universal Identity and Individual Sovereignty .... :
you want my applicaation okay I am Tasia/Rox/Xyzo which identity you want or you will have to make nlogger name as mundane identity, then it is: Roxont Frontero, take it for now until i change it bow i vote for Vontiz and Sentry
capitalism is closer to human nature than communism which is closer to idea, (universalism is closest to the god and divinity), more as an exit for working class from exploitation .... religions and communists are two sides of one medal ....( ideas and imaginations with myths dogmatized and formalized in faiths and parties) and vote for Dortion Vatamaga
Vote for your candidates or be candidate yourself,
Vote for principles, you will never lose ....
Vote for persons and you will never win ....
Vote for party where you will always lose ....
Vote in paradigm and you will always win ....
the secular god Zikalkis is recruiting candidates for USA presidential elections and simulataneously preparing people for world elections for global president, vote and be voted in this divining democracy which is, actually, conjuncracy in universe, soon is coming The Declaration on Rights on Universal Identity and Individual Sovereignty .... :
ih my name votes for Shorona and Rink
you want my applicaation
I am Tasia/Rox/Xyzo which identity you want
or you will have to make nlogger name as mundane identity, then it is: Roxont Frontero,
take it for now until i change it
bow i vote for Vontiz and Sentry
so I vote for me: Roxont
capitalism is closer to human nature than communism which is closer to idea, (universalism is closest to the god and divinity), more as an exit for working class from exploitation .... religions and communists are two sides of one medal ....( ideas and imaginations with myths dogmatized and formalized in faiths and parties) and vote for Dortion Vatamaga
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