Islamism is constrained by muslimism.
Capitalism is in shackles of nationalism.
Socialism is an attempt of the working and lower classes, led by communism, to achieve any degree of equality.
Capitalism is in shackles of nationalism.
Socialism is an attempt of the working and lower classes, led by communism, to achieve any degree of equality.
Universalism is an
initiative of a secular god and its divinism to gain some sort of equitability.
Namely, USA is on bipartisan bicycle.
Americans Elect tried rather go as tricycle than as four wheeler. So, they
preferred to pass away than reply. Now, empty tyre Libertarians joins two
overblown tyres, Gops and Dems, and the best they can do is to replace
the overblown tyres with a flat one. So, one may
deduce that only plausible solution for stable America is a Option Four
sustained with The Secular God Zikalkis, pressured safe and sound.
President Obama has
“socialized the student loan business.” This presumably refers to the
elimination of the Federal Family Education Loan Program, which used taxpayer
money to guarantee student loans made by private lenders such as Sallie Mae.
Essentially, the program allowed private lenders to distribute student loans
without assuming the risk associated with the loan. If a student were to
default on his or her loan, taxpayers would foot the bill. When conservatives
continuously repeat that they believe government should stay out of the free
market, do they mean only that the government should stay out when it doesn’t
provide a way for corporations to profit from taxpayers’ money.
My view on this topic is
stripped of taxes and loans. !How in universe !.
SG pays all taxes of the world in value of 30% of respective GNP
and provides $55000
accumulated in 17 years of childhood for studentship.
As each born gets $10000
a year and as to the children can’t be entrusted all sum, then
amount is splitted in 3 parts:
Mother gets $3333
Father gets $3333
gets $3333 on a separate account in an universal bank for 17
$3333 x 17y = $55000
(16,5 years, of course)
Amount for college or
starting business, …. Cash! …. Hmmm ….!!!!
Zikalkis !!!! Oh, shut
up. It’s my divine universal money and I, exclusively me, will decide what to
do with it. Get along. …. !!!!
So, when a
citizen accomplish 17 years enters in $10000 per year regime.
A family in Indhia with 8
children will get $100k in a year, almost ¼ of Obama’s salary and could afford
his electric ford. Not bad progress with the secular god, not bad at all, only
goodier enough.
Bye …. Zikalkis.
Elsewhere; I am still in
Alabama collecting pledges for signatures for ballot access for my yet-to-be
candidate, from citizens as petitioners. If they ask money it is no problem in
future when they activate my Zillion Zyxes, for sure. I repeat, I ask only
pledges for signatures not signing yet anything. So, you can state the price of
your signature in reply. Sorry for this what I am doing. Namely, people is god,
zillion is yours, I take it from you and trickle up and down back to you. Same
does Obama, take your taxes and then gives you back as tax credits.
One collector has
achieved a record of 510 signatures in a day.
Pledges might be easier
to collect online, ….
Hmmm …. Americans Elect
for Buddy the Governor collected 6000 sigs in 6 months …. at average of 31 in a
AE will maybe sell me
signatures they have collected. If they have collected 140000 sigs and spent
$14m, then, it’s $100 each. One sig one zyx. Hmmm….hmmm…. shall we name new
universal reserve currency as Sig …. 1S =$100 …. I’ll see ...." Z"
looks better solution and goodier promising.