My view of the situation is as follows: I see land
slide victory clear and on deserved merits, all we have to do is to develop
this divine universal arrangemental paradigm, which has to help our local
efforts to gain momentum in order to win on national levels. To be present on
the ballot lists in all 50 states. nation-wide, we need approximately 999999
valid signatures. It is about 20000 per state. Hummmms. In addition to it, we
would gather 999999 sigs for online elections if establishment doesn't allow kids
and foreigners to run for president. Means, this time we run for real and for
real virtuality. I see, I must be leader of campaign until we find a real one.
John Dummett needs some makeup in moral and universal sense. Might be we make a
decent proper leader out of him. Does it mean that we run with 2 leaders,
virtual one and real one. If we find a real Filipino girl born 30. Jan 2000 and
parents give consent, then she replaces virtual Witsie and assumes office of
the president of USA, in case we win. This way J.D. goes for vice president
then for prime minister, if we incept such a function. Sarah Palin can then
come on board as VP. Bye,
I am Witsie Wenders. A virtual girl of age 13 years. I
am supposed to be the most ideal candidate for the president of USA. I am kid.
I am woman. I am foreigner. I am an Internet resident. By default my origin
should be from Philippines. Born 30. Jan. 2000. Created by Zikalkis SG.
green = 300 000 membs
dems = 40m
gops = 30m
constitution party= 365k
libertarian = 234567
Public networking,
The makeshift office of secular universal god Zikalkis.
hi peers of the generations,
My view of the situation is as follows: I see land
slide victory clear and on deserved merits, all we have to do is to develop this
divine universal arrangemental paradigm, which has to help our local efforts to
gain momentum in order to win on national levels.
To be present on the ballot lists in all 50 states.
nation-wide, we need approximately 999999 valid signatures. It is about 20000
per state. Hummmms. In addition to it, we would gather 999999 sigs for online
elections, parallelled, if establishment doesn't allow kids and foreigners to
run for president.
Means, this time we run for real and for real
virtuality. I see, I must be leader of campaign until we find a real one. John
D, needs some makeup in moral and universal sense.
Might be we make a decent proper leader out of
Does it mean that we run with 2 leaders, virtual one
and real one.
If we find a real Filipino girl born 30. Jan 2000 and
parents give consent, then she replaces virtual Witsie and assumes office of
the president of USA, in case we win.
This way J.D. goes for vice president then for prime
minister, if we form such a function. Sarah Palin can then come on board
as VP.
Bye .... Zikalkis,
I am Witsie Wenders. A virtual girl of age 13 years.
I am supposed to be the most ideal candidate for the president of USA. I am
kid. I am woman. I am foreigner. I am an Internet resident. By default my
origin should be from Philippines. Born 30. Jan. 2000. Created by Zikalkis
USG, these days.
„Remember, only new thing you can offer, to voters and
to the world, is Secular God, whether Zikalkis or Whoever !“
"I am doing this in hope that I shall not succeed, but it would be unfair not to respond to the call of the history."
"I am doing this in hope that I shall not succeed, but it would be unfair not to respond to the call of the history."
extraviado es el hombre de los cien fuegos
extraviado es el hombre de los cien fuegos
is country of immigrants. But there is citizenship. Birth certificate and
driving licence. My view is to create national universal ID card. On one side
national data and on other side universal data. If there be found better
solutions I'll support them. Transport, banks, benefits, etc. have to consider
this possibility. Illegal becomes legal to stop illegal. Again, solution is in
universalizing legislation.
exposure to general public, the class action lawsuit, Mr. J.D., it will come
with time, what we want now is you to tell us, what is an approximate number of
members of two established parties, how many signatures you have gathered,
would you give your signature on my petition for ballot access for the national
election of the president of our beloved Republic in her Liberty and
to spammer abuse, I am sad to report that we have been forced to change the way
new forum accounts are created. We've had a lot of spammers create bogus
accounts. Until further notice, all new accounts created will come to the
Administrator for approval. If you do not give sufficient identifying
information in your profile, then I cannot approve your account. I want all to
be judicious about how much information they share, but without a City and
State it is nearly impossible for me to distinguish between the spammers and a
real live person.
want this forum to be a free and civil place to express ourselves; but sales
solicitations are strictly prohibited. Thanks for understanding.

access generally refers to the ability to place a candidate on an official
election ballot. It is usually thought of in terms of a party’s ability
to run candidates for public office. If a party does not have ballot access in
a particular state, that means that it cannot field candidates
for office in that state.
Ballot access laws are almost
entirely state creations. There are almost no relevant federal laws, and
there usually aren’t relevant local laws either. The rules vary widely
from state to state. In
Mississippi, if you declare you have a party, the state says, okay, you’re a
party, and then you can run candidates. In North Carolina, you have to
collect about 95,000 valid signatures from registered voters. For
reference, the Libertarians did this for the 2008 election, but it cost them
$200,000 to do it.
There is also a distinction between
securing and holding ballot access. ”Securing” means getting ballot
access initially, which usually requires collecting petition signatures.
”Holding” means that a party in a given state can maintain their ballot
access from one election to the next, which usually means that a candidate of
the party got a high enough percentage of the vote. In some states,
securing and/or holding are based on partisan registration numbers.
If a party doesn’t have ballot
access, it can’t run candidates. If a party can’t run candidates, it’s
essentially not a party at all, just a political club. Third parties
often refer to fighting to achieve lofty ballot access hurdles as a struggle
for their very existence. One other point which should be stressed: it is very
common for a state-level party to expend more energy just to get on to the ballot
than they expend on behalf of their candidates once they’re on the ballot.
It can be such grueling, exhaustive work just to come into legal
existence that it will burn out volunteers months before Election Day.
are the people who will decide the nomination at the Democratic National
Convention. Delegates from the fifty US states, the District of Columbia, and
Puerto Rico have a single vote each, while some delegates from American Samoa,
the Virgin Islands, Guam and Democrats Abroad have half a vote each. Thus, the
total number of delegates is slightly higher than the total number of available
delegate votes (4,048).
The Democratic party is the largest party in this
country with over 72 million like minded individuals.
Many believe that the economy regulations should be in
place to balance the needs of business and the individual.
The Democratic party is the largest party in this
country with over 72 million like minded individuals.
Many believe that the economy regulations should be in
place to balance the needs of business and the individual.
Progressives tend to advocate a relatively centre-left economic and left-wing
social agenda.[1] Unifying issues among progressive Democrats include opposition to
the War in
Iraq, opposition to economic
liberalism and social
opposition to all corporate influence in government, support for universal
health care and
Single payer health care, revitalization of the national infrastructure and
steering the Democratic Party in the direction of being a more forceful party.
Compared to other factions of the party, they've been most critical of the
Republican Party, and most supportive of direct government action as a means to
establish social and economic equality.
The overall
percentage of employed wage and salary workers that are union members fell to
12 percent in 2006, a significant decline from U.S. unions' peak membership of
36 percent in the mid-1950s.
currently about
36.5 percent of public sector workers are union members, whereas approximately
7.8 percent of private sector workers belong to unions.
Usa classes:
Upper 1%
Upper middle 15%
Middle 30%
Working 30%
Working poor 12%
Underclass 12%